YugabyteDB Aeon

Fully managed YugabyteDB-as-a-Service

YugabyteDB Aeon is a fully managed YugabyteDB-as-a-Service that allows you to run YugabyteDB clusters on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

YugabyteDB Aeon SLA service availability is 99.99%. For the current status of the service, see Status.

YugabyteDB Managed is now YugabyteDB Aeon! Learn more.
Sign up to create a Sandbox cluster
Sign up, log in, and follow the built-in tutorial to create your first cluster and build a sample application. No credit card required.
Yugabyte cloud
Deploy dedicated clusters
Deploy single- and multi-region production clusters on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
Locally Laptop

Cluster basics

Create single- and multi-region clusters in a variety of topologies.
Authorize access to clusters and databases, download cluster certificates, and audit account activity.
Connect to your cluster using Cloud Shell, a client shell, and from applications.
Monitor cluster performance and get notified of potential problems.
Scale clusters, configure backups, set maintenance windows, and pause or delete clusters.

More resources

Continue learning

Build Applications
Start coding in your favorite programming language using these examples.
YouTube Channel
Learn how to use YugabyteDB Aeon with this series of short tutorials.